The Condominium

The Scent Of The Colony

"We broadcast the resurrection"

"The closer you get, the less you see", a quick look at the contents of the TV series

"The Colony" is a community whose members recognize each other thanks to an unmistakable scent that their skin gives off. But by definition, scent is something impalbable and invisible and so: only they are able to smell it. An invisible but insuperable wall therefore divides The Colony from the rest of the world. They call it: "The Attic".

At the foundations of the Colony is the Resurrection. In the myth mothers belonging to the community gave birth to dead fetus. But then, immediately, the dead child rose again, perfumed. This has not happened for some time.

Today, to become part of the Colony, "an elected" - after proving to be worthy - must commit suicide by jumping into the so-called well.

The Colony broadcasts the rite to the community through the so-called TV of the colony. It's the "Marriage of the two eyes" - the series of the resurrection.

After the suicide the elected, dead due the fall, is injected with a mysterious "perfume" and he rises again, finally perfumed. The new member eyelids are smeared with mud, representing two ants. In ancient times they were tattooed on the inside of the eyelids.

The Colony lives in The Hypogeum, an intricate and infinite puzzle of corridors in the subsoil of the City of A., which has its center in an abandoned building and in its bowels: "The "Condominium". There the events of the series take place.

The series revolves around the crisis that the Colony is going through: for a long time, no one has risen again. True and lies start here.

"The Last Revolution"

.. The Colony has lived in the shadow of the world,
and now the time has come to take it back ..

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The broadcast

"The Colony"

The Colony

Below the city of "A." lives a mysterious community, made exclusively of resurrected, the Colony. "The Scent", an intoxicating fragrance that only those who resurrect are able to recognize, emanates from their skin after the death and resurrection. The Scent is the cement, as well as the mystery, of the community. To become part of The Colony, however, a terrifying suicidal gesture is required: throw themselves into the void of the Chasm that leads into the Hypogeum, the infinite and inexhaustible underground structure under the city of A. Death is certain, resurrection instead: a terrible gamble. Very few are resurrected. The fall is filmed and the live broadcast is the format that gives its name to the series that the Colonists follow anxiously waiting in front of the screens partially buried in to the ground: "The Scent of the Colony". The secret of the Colony is tempting to many, in particular to The Foundation, which tries to reproduce The Scent. They carrying out terrible experiments with Alnosit, a substance that imitates The Scent. Alnosit instead provokes a sort of sensory interdependence that eliminates the edges of individual personalities, induces visions and finally leads to a horrible death.

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The Colony

"The closer you get, the less you see."

Below the city of "A." lives a mysterious community, made exclusively of resurrected, the Colony. "The Scent", an intoxicating fragrance that only those who resurrect are able to recognize, emanates from their skin after the death and resurrection. The Scent is the cement, as well as the mystery, of the community. To become part of The Colony, however, a terrifying suicidal gesture is required: throw themselves into the void of the Chasm that leads into the Hypogeum, the infinite and inexhaustible underground structure under the city of A. Death is certain, resurrection instead: a terrible gamble. Very few are resurrected. The fall is filmed and the live broadcast is the format that gives its name to the series that the Colonists follow anxiously waiting in front of the screens partially buried in to the ground: "The Scent of the Colony". The secret of the Colony is tempting to many, in particular to The Foundation, which tries to reproduce The Scent. They carrying out terrible experiments with Alnosit, a substance that imitates The Scent. Alnosit instead provokes a sort of sensory interdependence that eliminates the edges of individual personalities, induces visions and finally leads to a horrible death.

The Scent

It smells, nothing but Scent.

You want to know if it exists.
The Scent is real, like the waves of the sea or the room of childhood.
You want to know what it is.
If language were able to embody it, I would say that the Scent makes you feel Here.
You want to know how to experience it.
I reply that there is only one obstacle between you and the Scent: Life.

The Resurrection

Vanishing is becoming the unknown.

Life hasn't begun yet. Starting to live is neither automatic nor immediate. It takes a long way, and effort to realize it. Like in a deep sleep from which we have yet to wake up. And insidious, as the longer we think we are living the more we will continue to sleep. But we're not here forever, and neither is the Colony. We must hurry, there is a Deadline, beyond which the opportunity for awakening will be lost. Deadline, which recalls death for the Attic; for those who meet it in their sleep it comes not as a dismal interruption, but as a terrible intuition of the true beginning forever missed.

The Hypogeum and the Attic

I remember a place called home.

It all begins with leaving the house, which on the Attic it is called birth.

The Attic is the everyday place. The solid and luminous surface of an illusion that from that day on we call world and that we wish to inhabit. Yet we never really feel at home. As nomads we continue to travel, leaving abodes and building new ones, never feeling that we really belong there. Is it a coincidence that countless civilizations have longed for a navel of the earth? Homesickness does not make us give up searching. But how do we know that it exists and that, even finding it, we would recognize it? We have only one certainty, the memory of its smell. The smell of home is never forgotten. Isn't that the first thing we sense on the doorstep when we come back?

This smell is the Scent that flows under the city of A, spreading along a dense network of tunnels, passages and chasms that branch off like a hive in the immense spaces of the subsoil. The Attic would say that this structure looks like an anthill. It is the Hypogeum, the home of the Colony. However, a dilapidated and improvised house, largely abandoned and not even known anymore. The deepest known conduit, called the Well, is located in correspondence with the Condominium. It seems that the Colonists over time have excavated, expanded, deepened it. Where does it lead? Even the Colonists do not seem to be aware of it or remember it, but among them there are those who claim that the Colony reached A. going up that abyss. Maybe that is the navel of A. Maybe is the place of rebirth..

The Condominum

The place I belong

A block of the popular neighborhoods in the suburb of A. has been completely colonized. For the Attic it is one of the many crumbling ruins of the A. periphery. But for the Colony it is of crucial importance; it's the last entry to the Hypogeum, the only one node of the entire Scent network left which the community has access to. The building is like a bad tooth: externally apparently a normal home for low income families, inside completely dismantled and digged: the apartments, except for the rooms facing the outside, have been totally emptied of the furniture and fixtures which has been savagely hoarded on the groundfloor hall. Some of the floors, the inner core of staircase, and part of the walls have been ripped out to create a vast vertical chasm called the Mouth because it brings directly underground to the Pit, the access to the Hypogeum. No one lives in this place, besides Colonists could ever inhabit in the cells which the Attic dwell. Just three Colonists, known with the collective noun Clam F., reside on the top floor of the Condominium, not like inhabitants of a home, but rather as attendants of a path.

The Marriage Of Two Eyes

Salvation lies in the show of the Scent.

If I said that everything begins with death I would say a mad thing. But not a lie. And if madness and lies are not the same thing, it is because madness, while speaking of something inconceivable or impossible, basically seems to have to do with the truth. In many ways and in many ages the world has had a presentiment that something beyond death could be glimpsed, a light in the darkness. For the Colony it all starts from here, and it celebrates it in the show called Marriage of the Two Eyes. He who is risen knows how to see with both eyes, the eye that sees the light nestled in the day, and the eye that sees the darkness in it. If at this point you doubt that it is only a fiction, it will be enough to recall all the communities in the course of history at some point disappeared from the maps. They have gone away, it will be said. In fact, they are likely to have been colonized.

The Ninth Queen

Meditate the crisis is inventing the world.

Every civilization builds an image of itself, but at times it happens that they dive so deep into it to come to believe that image is all that matters. Then the image takes the name of representation and the reality it pictures gets the name of world. For them only what is inside this world does exist, what remains outside, simply doesn't. To survive at the margin of the world is a prerogative of the Colony. It has never abided in that worldview but, because it never intended to avail of images, it hasn't an alternative one either. It rather digged into it another space, images into the image, worlds into the world. And the worlds into the world are like queens on a chessboard. it is knows as the eight queens puzzle: it's impossible to represent on the same board more than eight queens acting freely without ever meeting; there's no place for a ninth queen: that space is exactly the world the Colony wants to conquer.

The City of A.

"..even the sky is starless in the city of A. .."

The city of A. is a ghost town, like many others. If i were a storyteller i would say that the city of A. is similar to the city of Z and also that is similar to all the other cities, by whatever name they are called. It has nothing particular. Even the sky is starless in the city of A. because the city of A., like all other cities, doesn't exist, is just an hallucination. You don't believe me, but think about: since all this started mankind imagined an illusionary space where to live toghether but living an own life. So the cities were born, where people meet everyday without seeing each other, and crowd places but still feel tremendously lonely. How's that possible? I have two hypothesis: Everyone is sleeping and has lost himself in a long dream. Or, everyone is playing a great game: knowing to be surrounded by people and ignoring their existence, acting as they were in a desert pretending everyone else, flowing around, were mirages, images on a screen, appearences in a dream. Maybe both are happening. One thing is certain: They are like ghosts who are not conscious to be anymore. Like you.

 Last step inside 

The Script, behind the scene

The idea to write "The Scent Of The Colony" was born about three years ago. One of the authors wrote an email to a friend of his, about a story to write together. It was the beginning. The friend would then follow him in this crazy adventure. At that moment there was only the title, which would remain, and the idea that it was to be about a revolution. To be exact, the story should have been about the "last revolution". And that would actually become the subtitle.

The revolution would have started in a bar, born among the chatter of apparently ordinary people sitting at a table, and would have become unstoppable. Week after week the authors, who have become three in the meantime, have redefined the concept, modified, added, removed ideas and characters.

The Scent would have been something impalpable, like the revolution, and the latter would have taken place in an underground, mysterious, hidden way. And there would be a community. In the meantime, hundreds of pages of notes, emails, typescripts, documents, images had accumulated. From all this and more, the writers finally distilled a subject, suitable for a TV series.

The novel "Il suicida seriale" is being published in Italy, by the Transeuropa publishing house [wiki, web] (out in bookstores probably in the summer), with the title "Il suicida seriale". The authors hold all the rights of translation, sale and commercial exploitation for foreign countries.

Freely adapted from the original script for the television series "The Scent of The Colony" which is filed with the United States Register for Copyrights and Director - registration number PA-u 4-147-743. The authors hold all the rights thereto.

The TV series that will keep the world in suspense.
Be part of the show: contact the authors.


Our aim

We want to get in touch with a film company, a television platform, producers.
An agency that can act as a mediator towards the precedents: experienced professionals in the television and cinema sector who can lead the subject "The Scent of the Colony" to become the next, last, television series.

Feel free to contact us.

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About the authors

An anonymous collective made up of three authors with different skills, with several novels to their credit, has been working for years under this acronym (F.M.K.). The conception and drafting of television subjects (such as the one from which the novel 'IL SUICIDA SERIALE - THE SERIAL SUICIDE') is the specific object of their joint work.